I'm New, What Should I Expect?
We know from Romans 3:23 that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We firmly believe that the church is a hospital for sinners, not a club for saints. Because of this, the pressure's off! No need to be perfect; none of us are! We want you to make yourself at home. At Addison, we're all walking towards Jesus together. We'd love to have you join our family!
What to Wear
Feel free to be casual or dress up! Jeans & T-shirts and suits & dresses are all welcome, whatever makes you feel comfortable. Most of our members prefer casual.
Sunday School & Kids
Sunday mornings at 10:00 am, we have an adult Sunday School class and Sunday School classes for kids. Our youth classes are broken up by age group and we will make sure you know where to go!
During the Service
Our church services are Sunday night at 6:00 pm and Wednesday at 7:00 pm. We have singing, testimonies, and preaching. We also have a room on the side of the sanctuary with toys and chairs in case your little ones need a break! We love to have all age groups join our services. We believe this promotes full community and allows our members to know each other well and lean on each other through life's joys and trials; just like a family.
We look forward to meeting you!
Service Times
Sunday School
Sunday Evening
Wednesday Night
Contact Addison Freewill Baptist Church!
210 Addison Pike Gallipolis, OH 45631